The monthly meetings seem less productive than the Saturday patrols.  We are alternating Saturdays, some mornings, some evenings patrolling and observing the goings on in the “hood”.  We are taking names and numbers and PHOTOS.  If you want to cruise through the Casa Alegre Neighborhood, down into Gallegos lane to get your drugs, your vehicle will be photographed and your license plate will be called in to Dispatch.  The regular folk here are not in the illicit drug trade.  Take your business elsewhere.  We know who you are.  We know about your sales of drugs from your government housing, your car and your bike.  We are taking back our neighborhood from YOU.

Please do not think that you are protected by your day job, your cousin or family member that has a job in on the police force or works for the State or the bank.  Everything is changing.  It is time to make a decision about how important it is for you to throw your life away and hurt others in the process.  If you are an addict, the time has come to face your demons, get help and turn your life around.  The devil is right outside your door with a list of endless promises.  He does not like being denied but he is also blinded by the light of a true life which means you become automatically protected.  Your job is to protect the children growing up in New Mexico, not hurt them by peddling drugs.  Drugs Hurt Kids.  Have a good day.

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